Fat man question blogjune #5


You are walking on a bridge above a railway track and notice, to your horror, that five people are tied to the rails in the path of the oncoming rail trolley. You see that in front of you is a man teetering on the edge of the bridge, a man so large and fat that his sheer bulk would stop the trolley in its tracks and save the five people currently in the path.

Do you push the fat man off the bridge ?



Image credit

See also: Trolley question blogjune 2014 #4

Read more about the Trolley Problem here.

Trolley question blogjune 2014 #4


You are walking past a railway track and notice, to your horror, that five people are tied to the rails in the path of the oncoming rail trolley. You see that within reach is a lever that would divert the trolley from the track with the five people, on to a track that has – oh my! – just one person tied to it.

Do you pull the lever ?



Image credit

Read more about the Trolley Problem here.

Blog every day of June 2011. Let’s go


Again this year I am participating in Blog Everyday Of June . Follow the link over to Libraries Interact to see who else has committed to making one post each day on their blogs this month.

This blog has had only 56 posts since June last year – about twice as many as I did for all of June 2010. Time to get noisy again.

Khazov, A. (2011). June iPhone Calendar 2011 - Rus. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/45991448@N06/5759498818/

You can see below in reverse chronological order what I blogged about last June – my cat (by request), the new Grove Library, ebooks, using WordPress, the future of public libraries … sounds like me…

Post number 1 for #blogjune 2011