Four truths and one lie


I need a break from think posting, so I’m following Hoi’s lead.

Four of these statements about me are true and one is a lie. See if you can guess which one. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Or the next day, honestly.

truth Uploaded to Flickr on October 8, 2005 by jasoneppink

  • I was escorted by police from a hotel bar in the Swansea RSL in Tasmania for disturbing the peace and my photo made the front page of the Hobart Mercury.
  • I used to hold the Western Australian State Schoolgirl’s U12 High Jump record, with a height of 1m 42cm.
  • I am so shy that I still sometimes cross the road if I see someone I know coming the other way so that I don’t have to talk to them.
  • My Year 12 English Teacher told me that I would get marks off in my State Matriculation exam if I used a peacock blue fountain pen, but I proved her wrong by getting 100%.
  • If I had more time, I would love to join the local Roller Derby team which trains on Sunday nights 5 minutes from my house.

15 thoughts on “Four truths and one lie

  1. Gosh, I am torn between:

    “I am so shy that I still sometimes cross the road if I see someone I know coming the other way so that I don’t have to talk to them.”

    Are you or have you ever been *that* shy? Really?

    “My Year 12 English Teacher told me that I would get marks off in my State Matriculation exam if I used a peacock blue fountain pen, but I proved her wrong by getting 100%.”

    I doubt this one not because I don’t think you couldn’t have gotten 100% in your English exam, but because I don’t believe you would have chosen to use a peacock blue fountain pen 😉

  2. I think I’m with Con, I reckon it’s the blue fountain pen…though that stubbornness does have a ring of truth to it 🙂 This is a hard one as all 5 are believable of you. Shy people can turn into great performers in front of people and revert back when alone – I do that and have crossed the road myself.

  3. High Jump record with a height of 1m 42cm? I tot that would be at least 1m 42cm MORE than that. That was my first thought…

  4. hmmmmm 100% in English… not sure about. not because I doubt your ability but because 100% is possible in things like maths and physics but very difficult in English.

    *scratches head* I think.

  5. I am strongly tempted to guess the peacock blue ink one — but will go for the crossing the road to avoid someone.

    I choose this one not because I don’t think you are shy – but because if you have seen someone the chances are they have seen you and to cross the road would be rude and risk seriously hurting someone’s feelings. I don’t think you would risk them noticing you cross the road.


  6. My last comment came out wrong – what I meant was I don’t think you would let your shyness make you risk hurting someone else’s feelings.

  7. I do know someone who got 100% in English so I know it’s possible. I’m going for #2 high jump story.
    Having never met you, I find it amusing no one questions to the police incident or you as a Roller Derby queen 🙂

  8. Love Girlwithshoes comment about the image she is getting of you virtually!

    I’ve just admitted 3 in my 2 things meme so I know it’s possible.
    I SO want no 1 to be true. My first experience of how different Uni was going to be from school, was when history prof Pat Grimshaw strolled into my 1st year Aus History to talk on women’s lib and started with when she handcuffed herself to a bar in Sydney. I love the idea of knowing rebels, in the hope the coolness will rub off on me.
    Anyone who writes as much as you can get 100% for English.

    So I vote high jump.

    If it is the bar one, don’t tell me for a few days …

  9. I think it is the high jump. I know the peacock blue ink is true, as I was there. You’ve just admitted to getting arrested, but I believed that anyway, it is too far fetched to be a lie. I get the crossing the road thing, as I’ve been known to pop into a shop I didn’t want to visit for similar reasons. I’m not sure I can see you roller derbying, but then again. However, high jump, I’ve never seen you do it, and I don’t think you could have changed that much between 12 and 15, so that gets my vote.

  10. is this an unofficial meme, I’m going to do it to – it’s fun..but don’t keep us in suspense too long…mmm-high jump is my guess too.

What do you think? Let us know.