Unread by my bed


Adding my 2c to the “unread by the bed” meme for the 30 posts in 30 days challenge.

Currently reading: Margaret Attwood’s Oryx and Crake on my iPad.

I work in a public library. Good books  follow me home. Most sit in the pile by the bed for a couple of months and then are returned, briefly opened, but unread.

By the bed pile:

Most  seem to be less known works by authors who have had a bestseller.

  • The White Tiger, Aravind Adiga
  • Tales from Firozsha Bahg, Rohinton Mistry
  • My Nine Lives, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
  • Telling Tales, Melissa Katsoulis
    • history of literary hoaxes. I almost bought it as “aeroplane reading” last time I was in Melbourne, but it didn’t look wonderfully marvellous, so I saved my $$
  • House of Horrors, Nigel Hawthorne
    • about the guy in Austria who kept his daughter locked away and had a second family of several kids with her. I picked up just any book when I was testing things on the database, forgot to return it and so I’m somehow reading it – sensationalist and voyeuristic
  • Moral Disorder, Margaret Attwood
  • Island Beneath the Sea, Isabel Allende
  • Bleeding Kansas, Sara Paretsky
    • set in Lawrence, Kansas where I spent a couple of weeks last year. Totally separate from the V. I. Washawski series
  • Her Fearful Symmetry, Audrey Niffenegger
    • half way through then read a review panning the last third of the book, so have a dilemma – I’m enjoying it so far, do I want to ruin it by completing the story ?

Not next to the bed pile

These ones are on the “library book” shelf and I haven’t picked them up, or they are on their way back and I can’t quite part with them yet.

  • The Triumph of the Airheads, Shelley Gare
    • About the decline of public intellectual standards in Australia. Skimmed it already
  • The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch
  • The Beats: A Graphic History, Harvey Pekar et al
  • Dear Fatty, Dawn French
  • Girl Next Door, Alyssa Brugmart
    • YA title. I try to read one every couple of weeks
  • The Almost Moon, Alice Sebold
    • I enjoyed reading “The Lovely Bones”, but the tone of “Lucky” made me feel like throwing the book across the room at times.
  • In the Kitchen, Monica Ali
  • The Star’s Tennis Balls, Stephen Fry
    • Must get on to this one
  • Decca: The Letters of Jessica Mitford, Peter Y Sussman (ed.)
    • I’ve been reading this for the last four years. I left my copy on the plane in Brisbane and am slowly getting through the library copy.
  • The Art of Emily the Strange, Rob Reger
    • Totally read and needing return

And there’s more

Probably the same amount again are on the shelf but I didn’t photograph them …. you get the idea from what is here …

Post 13 of the  30 posts in 30 days challenge.

6 thoughts on “Unread by my bed

  1. I’m with Kate on Her Fearful Symmetry; absolutely loved it. I’ve read a couple of books on the fascinating Mitford sisters too. Your collection looks really eclectic and cool!

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