Keeping up with scholarly communications BlogJune 22/24


How do you teach students to keep up to date with scholarly communications, and the role of specialisation and collaboration?

I had a stab at it last study period with two separate assessments. In the first, students monitored CAUL, plus two other sources different to their classmates. One organisation and one individual from a provided list. Students wrote a review of each source and its outputs, plus identified three Wicked Problems.

Then, in the second assessment, they shared their research with other team members. The team then presented collaboratively live to “CAUL” (me wearing a nice woollen suit top in Zoom) about a single Wicked Problem. They built two possible future scenarios and suggested strategies.

My first class of students absolutely aced the assessment, which was a big relief. I was so proud of the way they stepped up and intelligently discussed the more interesting and contentious side of scholarly communications while showing really solid grasp of the basic concepts.

The Twitter lists they chose from are below, along with embedded widgets of a combined feed in the live blog post. Sources were initially found via Twitter request, and this blog post will probably be discovered via Twitter.

For the first two lists, candidates needed to be:

  • mainly writing about scholarly communications
  • actively posting on Twitter regularly
  • different from others on the list in scope and focus
  • not already contributing to the course as industry mentors

That left me with a lot of really useful other sources. Some too similar to others on the list, or hadn’t posted for a while. Hence the third list.

Are there any obvious extra accounts or people you would add for students this study period?

Schol Com Orgs for Au

Schol Com people for Au

Bonus Schol Com for Au

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