Digitisation is the death of history debate: storify


Here is a record of the tweets, and a couple of pics, from tonight’s “Digitisation is the death of history” debate from Curtin University tonight. If the embedded widget looks a bit funny, you can see the whole thing at Storify.

The “ayes” had it this evening, with the affirmative team being declared the winners. The event was well attended and there was – as described by one of my work colleagues – “a lot of inter-silo discussion happening”. The speakers were all excellent. They knew their material inside out, were well-prepared, entertaining and pitched at exactly the right tone and level of discussion.

There is already talk of a re-match next year. The topic? Unknown as yet … although it would be kind of interesting to debate about whether “Convergence in the GLAM sector is a myth” .. Hmmmmmm.


One thought on “Digitisation is the death of history debate: storify

  1. I love the topic suggestion for next year (especially in the light of the comment that we formed inter-silo discussion groups). Thanks for organising the evening it was very interesting.

What do you think? Let us know.