Things to watch out for…


This week’s list of things to watch out for…

1) IFLA world library report – An interactive map showing all sorts of facts and figures about libraries in different countries.

2) ALIA Access blogging – coming soon to an Australian Library Blog near  you…. the ALIA Access 2010 library conference that is happening in Brisbane right now. You can check out the official conference blog, follow the conference on its own Twitter account @ALIAAccess , or search for the hashtag #aliaaccess .

3) ALIA Access #leftbehind Western Australian tweetup – a bunch of us who are enjoying the Perth rain instead of the Brisbane sunshine are getting together tomorrow night to discuss how we aren’t at ALIA Access and don’t need to be when we have each other’s wonderful company.  All librarianly types are welcome. It’s at 7pm tomorrow (Wednesday)  night at Chocolateria San Churro, Leederville. (This is red so people notice it before the tweetup. I may change it to something more seemly after the event).

4) HTML5 This new standard for HTML will allow web browsers to be told how to do backflips and jump thorough hoops that previously third party browser plug-ins handled. Check out what can be done with HTML5 in “The Wilderness Downtown “, an interactive film starring the streetscape where you grew up (if you put in that address at the start). It does lots of neat video tricks and you can check out the HTML5 canvas element when you get an opportunity to write a postcard to … well, you’ll have to watch the film to find that out…

5)  Positive Tweeting in September .  Kat Clancy, Library Web Developer at Deakin University, who gave a great presentation at last week’s VALA meeting about m-libraries had a bright idea last night. Following on from the  30 Posts in 30 Day blogfest in June and 1Pic1ThoughtinAug Flickrfest comes the #postiveSep positivityfest. The idea is simple – post one positive tweet each day in September and use the hashtag #positiveSep to identify it. Even if you are not doing the tweeting, just searching on the hashtag should make your day a bit brighter.

6)  Gmail priority inbox . Oh, look, I’m raving about some new gmail feature again. They just keep pumping them out and I just keep liking them. Coming in the next day or so is the Gmail Priority Inbox . It works like a reverse spam filter – learning which emails you open, answer, deal with as a priority and floating them to a special section at the top of your inbox. Nice. Hopefully it will work better than the newly-in-your-email google phone calls. Michael Arrington from Techcrunch is reporting that 75% of his outbound calls are failing since the service was opened up to all …

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