What do you want passionate readers to know about the future of public libraries?


I’m going to be on ABC Radio National’s Book Show this Wednesday 30 June talking about the future of public  libraries along with other guest, Ian McShane from Swinburne University.  I record at 8am, with the show being broadcast at 10:30am and repeated at 8pm that night.

Of course there is a future…let me show you it….

So…if you had just one thing that you think a group of educated people, passionate about books and reading, should know about our libraries and the future, what would it be ?

Moonstruck chocolates uploaded to Flickr January 7, 2009.

I skipped Saturday’s 30 posts in 30 days post because I was flat out…. and then in one of those “just have one more square of chocolate” moments on Sunday …. I skipped a post for that day too. It felt really, really good not to feel like I *had* to say something when I had nothing to say… aaaah. This challenge has been a great way to get back into a blogging rhythm, and I have loved reading everyone’s posts, but gee I’m going to enjoy being a bit quieter.

Post 28 of the 30 posts in 30 days challenge.

6 thoughts on “What do you want passionate readers to know about the future of public libraries?

  1. I defn will be tuning into radio national this wednesday to listen to you speak – how exciting. I have mixed feelings about #blogeverydayinjune – but tend to agree with your sentiments – I don’t think I will continue to blog everyday, just somedays. I have found #blogeverydayinjune has taken me right out of my comfort zone of being generally a very private person – I shudder to think that anyone I work with would be reading my blog – good luck 4 wednesday.

  2. Love your explanation for missing a second post *lol*

    It will be great to hear you on the radio! Make sure to tell Radio National to put your interview on the website! Otherwise I’ll have to try and figure out how to work my radio for the first time in years 🙂

  3. Good Luck! As far as what to tell them… I’d make sure you emphasize that there is a future. A very bright one! I think the more our lives move online the more we crave community and social spaces that we feel connected to. Which for many people is the library. It’s about the relationship we create with our clients that will determine our future.

  4. I’m with Sophie- it’s spaces – and spaces that are flexible, multi-purpose as well as friendly, helpful, quiet, noisy, non threatening, green, thinking outside books and trad libraries.
    I’ll be listening 🙂

  5. There is a future – we’ve been around for so long we must be doing something right. Yep, spaces for study, meeting, doing business, doing fun things. Places for activities like Lap sit, teen gaming, free internet, Music Month. Provision of cheap entertainment in the forms of books, ebooks, newspapers, dvds, audio books, puzzles, games (board and computer).
    We bridge gaps between the haves and have nots. Our staff are the most generous people you could meet – heck, we give away our professional knowledge for FREE! No other profession does that –> they all charge.
    We provide content that links back to the community, content that supports researchers doing work to improve our community/world. Libraries can reach all parts of the community, all ages, in every aspect of their personal and professional lives.
    All this stuff is transferable to the future. It may not be addressed in the same way as it is now, perhaps it will morph into some other form of delivery, but _we will be there_ *cue swelling violin music*

What do you think? Let us know.