WA Library Unconference. Join in the planning.

The Third Western Australian Library Unconference will be held on Saturday 3 October 2009 at Central TAFE, Royal Street, East Perth. Thank you to Central TAFE for donating the venue.
Again we are aiming for it to be no cost to participants – except time, energy, communication, expertise and engagement.

Registrations for the 100 places will open at the end of August.

We want to keep things fresh, so are trying a Saturday this year. We understand that some people can only make it during work hours, but there are some people who are unable to come during work hours too.

 In keeping with the unconference ideas of “whoever comes is the right person”, and “whatever happens is the only thing that could have”, we are experimenting to see what happens with the combination of a weekend and a new venue.

We still are deciding on a theme, catering, sponsors, catering, start and finish times and more.

If you would like to sponsor the event, please contact Hoi Ng ( HNg@vicpark.wa.gov.au ) 

If you would like to join in as an unconference unplanner, we are having probably the only face to face unplanning meeting before the event on:
DATE : Sunday 9 August 2009
TIME : 2pm – 4pm
VENUE : X-Wray Cafe, Essex Street Fremantle.

Feel free to come along to the planning meeting, or to offer ideas via the google group: http://groups.google.com/group/unconfwalib .

One thought on “WA Library Unconference. Join in the planning.

  1. I would be interested in attending this event on the 3 October and may I submit an expression of interest. Unfortunatley, I have not been involved in an unconference previously, therefore, feel I am not able to provide the experience/knowledge required for planning sessions.

    Thank you
    Penny Worthington

What do you think? Let us know.