Podcamp in Perth


Couple of months back, a mob over East announced that they wanted to hold a podcamp – an unconference for people who create new media – podcasts, net video, blogs etc. So, they set up a voting competition to determine the venue of the first Australian podcamp.

I don’t think they expected the crowd from the West – probably still high on the rush from Perth barcamp – to have such a strong showing. In the face of the results –Perth – 152 votes, Sydney – 84 votes, Melbourne – 33 votes, Brisbane – 8 votes, Adelaide – 6 vote – they had no alternative but to honour the commitment and bring Australia’s first podcamp to Perth.

Details so far are sketchy, but watch the Podcamp Perth website as they come in. Here’s some info:

PodCamp Perth is the new media community UnConference that helps connect people interested in blogging, podcasting, social networks, video on the net, and new media together to learn, share, and grow their new media skills. Whether you’re just interested in new media or an experienced veteran, PodCamp Perth is for you!

Everyone is welcome, regardless of your involvement in new media, as long as you want to learn, share, and grow your knowledge!

WHEN: October 27 & 28
WHERE: Central TAFE (140 Royal St, East Perth WA 6004)
COST: Podcamp is free to attend

Wisely, they have enlisted help from locals and set up a local organising committee, who are:

Brownen Clune from PerthNorg
Richard Giles from Scouta
Dr Tama Leaver from University of Western Australia
Rene LeMerle from ineedhits

Having enviously read Connie Crosby’s account of Podcamp Toronto, Podcamp Perth is in my diary. Hey, that’s two days…does this mean there will be a real camp where we get to stay overnight this time? Do all geeks snore?

5 thoughts on “Podcamp in Perth

  1. I seriously think two days is a not a good idea. Mind you there is the interest. I suppose they will get the sessions. I will be interested to see what type of promotion is done.

    Would like to go. But frankly there is nothing I can contribute in this arena. It’s an area I’m interested in, would like to get into. But I have nothing to contribute on Podcasting at all. Just don’t want to be one of those people that go and leech off the others by not contributing to the event.

  2. Yeh two days seems far too much for me – I need my weekend time to recharge for the new week. I can’t think of anything I can contribute here either, although it would be nice to meet people and talk, I suppose… I’m glad Perth got it, though 🙂

  3. Hey Peoples,
    Don’t forget, podcamp isn’t just about podcasting! The current brief invites talking about:
    * podcasting and blogging
    * newmedia development and startups
    * business newmedia marketing
    * social networking
    * emerging technologies
    * creative social media (music and art)
    * using new media content
    * plus anything else people wish to present

  4. Hmmm. I’m not sure about the two days bit either. With barcamp and the library unconf I left feeling like I wanted more, but at the same time not really able to process much more that day.

    I’m willing to give it a try though, as I was very resistant to having the library unconf on a week day and that actually worked really well.

    Tuna, I’d like to know a bit more about the tech-y stuff of blogging set up. One thing is how to set up a WordPress MU or multi blog drupal site – predigested so I don’t have to nut it out for myself. The other is how to design a really good “home” page for people who do video blogging and podcasting and tradblogging – do you just upload the vids to a 3rd party site and embed the code, or is there a better way…and is there an elegant was to create an XML feed for the whole lot. And how to make it accessible and look nice. (Probably showing acute ignorance here). This is the type of thing you know about, isn’t it?

    I think it will be interesting for those of us who are usually chatty to take a back seat and just do “audience” for a while, so even if we have nothing to present we can make coffees or something.

What do you think? Let us know.