Librarians2.0 on the loose: a free unoffical unconference for Western Australian libraryland


UPDATE: Group stuff up 🙁 … Of course we noticed after we’d sent it that we’d used the “brarian” word when we meant to include the whole of WA Libraryland and Library Lovers and the little old lady who wandered off the street, and anyone interested in libraries. We’ve altered the name of the event to “Library2.0 on the Loose“, and are suitably mortified.


We have a wiki and we have details and it’s all set to roll. Come and play. Here’s our announcement.


Feel passionate or curious about new library approaches, want to share it with a group of like minded librarians? Come to participate in discussion and presentations about new definitions of content, new definitions of library collections and new ways that we can get out of our buildings to serve our customers where they are.

DATE: Friday 3 August

TIME: 9:30am – 5pm

WHERE: State Library of Western Australia, Great Southern Room 4th Floor

AFTERWARD: 6pm – late , Annalakshmi on the Swan, 1st Floor – Western Pavilion, Barracks Square (Between Jetty No. 4 & No. 5), Perth

An unconference works on the principle that whoever turns up is the right person and whatever you discuss is the right thing. People prepare topics, but sessions are decided on the day. Everyone is expected to participate by either presenting, joining in the discussion or doing another job.


1. Go to the registration site.

2. Then, go to the “ What is happening on the day page of the wiki and edit it to suggest a topic for discussion, volunteer to give a presentation or do a job.

The event is FREE, but you MUST REGISTER. Tea. coffee, bikkies and a pizza lunch are all provided. You will need to pay for dinner. This unconference is supported by the State Library of Western Australia, Murdoch University Library, Curtin University Library and ALIA West, but is facilitated by an independent group of volunteers.

For more details, visit the UnconfWALib web page, or contact Kathryn Greenhill, or Hoi Ng on, or Sue Cook on or Con Wiebrands on

2 thoughts on “Librarians2.0 on the loose: a free unoffical unconference for Western Australian libraryland

  1. Good luck with it Barbara. The Boston Library Camp and the LibraryCampNYC are happening around the same time as ours, so there should be lots of examples.

    Interestingly, the WA unconference planners have a Canadian, Ryan Deschamps (The Other Librarian), in the group – who is putting his 2c in from Halifax. I’m sure he’d be interested in helping out with something closer to home as well.

What do you think? Let us know.