Manamanah! Streaming YouTube video into Google Lively


Oh yeah. Amy Buckland invited me to play on Jambina’s raft’ in Google’s Lively (virtual-world-in-a-browser)

I dipped into my inventory, pulled out a TV set, used the edit option to add a YouTube URL to it …. and here’s a little movie of what happened

I wonder whether Google has moves to create a U-Stream kind of service. I can image a whole bunch of avatars sitting around on a raft, watching a U-stream type of show and using Lively as the chat-room, instead of the boring little window at the side of the screen at the moment.

Murdoch University Island in Second Life


Tonight’s interview with the State Library of Victoria went very well. We discovered that you need to use “push to talk” to stop the echo from speakers creating feedback – but once we knew that, we were flying.

Here’s a backup clip that I put on YouTube in case technology failed. It talks about why Murdoch University bought an island, how we manage it and what we’ve learned. It takes up where my earlier clip – Murdoch Uni Library gets a Second Life – left off in July 2007.

Murdoch University Island in Second Life.

If anyone wants to learn more about Second Life, I am running day long workshops in Sydney and Melbourne for CAVAL , Exploring Second Life, on 9th and 12th of May. Melbourne is booked out, but there are still a few places in the Sydney session.

Five social software sites that libraries shouldn’t ignore


Here are the slides from my plenary session at the “Library of the Future” forum for the Learning Resources Network Services Network, hosted by Challenger TAFE here in Fremantle – Five Social Software Sites that Libraries Shouldn’t Ignore.

The presentation used a lot of pictures of monkeys to look at:

1. Why should libraries care about social software?

2. What is social software?

3. Massive content sharing sites

4. Five sites and:

  • The “so what” of the site
  • Usage
  • Sites with a similar purpose

5. Sites covered:

6. Not in so much detail, but libraries should know about

7. Information storage and retrieval is via social elements, not controlled vocabulary

8. Social does not mean trivial

9. Social elements

Used Adventures of Superlibrarian clip on YouTube as an example

  • Profiles
  • Subscribing
  • Friends/contacts
  • Internal messages
  • Groups
  • Tagging
  • Rating
  • Favouriting
  • Commenting
  • Related items
  • Responses
  • Remixing

10. How libraries are using these sites – two examples of each, but extra slides with more examples at end of slideshow.




11. Checklist for action

  • Ensure reasonable public access to these sites in your library
  • Ensure your staff know how to search content on these sites
  • Check your library’s web presence
  • Use social software to collaborate and have conversations……with other librarians about where libraries fit in this space

12. Finally, when considering social software and your library, remember that it’s not all about what suits US, but what suits our USERS.

Lazy Easter patchwork post


I’m taking Easter off from PCs ‘n’ stuff, I think. I don’t even have a suitably thoughtful post to keep at the top of the aggregator for the next four disjointed, lazy woman bitties…..


The biblioblogosphere has seemed a bit quiet in the last couple of months. Is it because many of our libraries are implementing the projects we’ve been jumping up and down about in the last year?

Last year there was a lot of “Wow..this stuff is so COOOOL and I think we could use it in our libraries, maybe..why doesn’t my workplace GET IT”. Now it seems to be more often “I’ve been asked to talk to a roomful of my colleagues about this Cool Stuff”.

I think there’s a glimmer of “I’m setting up this really great project using the tools I was speculating about last year”..and even “one of my colleagues had this great idea how we could use this stuff”. Maybe I’m just projecting….


Ever find yourself nodding and saying “aha, aha, yep, aha” all through a post?. Here’s three from the last 24 hours, where the only thing I have to say more on the topic is “what they said”.




Emerald Dumont talks to BrianA Corleone atop his treasure trove and hopes the dragon’s egg will hatch.


Via HeyJude

David Berlind, Managing Editor of ZDNet describes mashups in a way that makes me understand where APIs fit in the mashup food chain.
[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

Embedded video: What’s a mashup

YouTube and Libraries


I gave a half hour presentation at MPOW about YouTube and Libraries.

I spent about 5 minutes at the start looking at what made it a social site:

  • Ratings
  • Video Responses
  • Profiles
  • Goups
  • Community tab
  • Comments
  • Most linked, most viewed etc.
  • Citizen journalism and everyday folk
  • Copyright violations – take don’t ask
  • Favourites
  • Playlists

I then played clips that illustrated these uses:

  • Library promotion
  • Library events
  • Information literacy
  • For librarians – new ideas
  • For librarians – staff development
  • Libraries in the news
  • Library recruitment
  • To remind us just how far we’ve come.

Here’s the wiki page where I embedded the clips, YouTube and Libraries.

Below is the only one I played twice. Prizes if you can view it only once and work out why Fabio is in it.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

Embedded video: Calgary Public Library’s Storytime clip

Video gems


When I’m Five

1984. Just after David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” period. Two teenaged girls stay up really late to watch David Bowie’s previously unreleased 1969 movie. “Love you til Tuesday“.

Jaws drop and they NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. In fact all video shops and libraries seem to deny its existence. Until today, when the riches can be relived.

Keep watching until the shots of the cake are over, listen to the rather clever lyrics and be glad I didn’t embed the five minute mime sequence that comes complete with green satin….um…codpiece.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

Embedded video: When I’m Five

And if YouTube isn’t enough…

Just in case I wanted to see what those crazy Christians…err Christ Followers…err Christians…get up to with a video camera, I can always check out…



And with clips such as this one, Mac vs PC Parody part 2 – I don’t know whether to be more weirded out by:

  • the whole site concept
  • the particular clip; or
  • the user comments below it.

(Reference to GodTube via a Twitter from stevencohen)

Library Lovers Day – sing along


Wednesday may be Valentines Day for some, but for Australians, it’s Library Lovers Day.

ALIA and the New South Wales Public Library Network have a site devoted to Library Lovers Day. There’s even a competition with REAL chocolate at the end. Just answer 7 reading questions to fill up your vitual choccie box, print out the receipt and take it to a participating library to claim some real chocolates. Yum!

The arrows of library lurve have pierced Andrew Finegan‘s heart as well. He’s written, recorded and illustrated his own Song for Library Lovers Day. Hoik up those pelvic floor muscles before you watch it. I liked it so much, that I just nominated it for an Info Tubey.

(Video embedded below)

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Embedding YouTube


WordPress strips the code when I try to embed a YouTube video. Their support page has one suggestion, but when I checked out the WordPress video plugins page, I found the anarchy media player.
It’s Australian and will let me embed all sorts of video formats. Here’s how it described itself:

Anarchy Media Player 1.6 for WordPress, WordPressMu and Standalone Javascript will play any simple href link to mp3, flv, Quicktime mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gp as well as Windows wmv, avi and asf files, in the appropriate player on your web page. The WordPress versions also add buttons to the Rich Text Editor for embedding Flash swf and Director dcr movies as well as YouTube, Google Video, iFilm, DailyMotion, Revver, Metacafe, MySpace, Apple iTunes iMix, and GoEar players.

Sooo…I’ve downloaded the plugin and will use it to embed my “Happy Holidays” video in the next post.

(If you pay attention to such things, you’ll notice that this post wasn’t made on my blogger blog.

YouTube and I say “Happy holidays”.


Here’s one I made earlier today at the windy beach.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

If the YouTube viewer doesn’t appear in your aggregator, try going here: