Why write a conference paper using a wiki ?


VALA 2008, here I come. Well, if I can write one paper and co-author another one in the next 6 weeks. Ulp.

I’m using a wiki to write both papers – even the one I’m writing by myself. Why? One spot where I can record what I submitted, the acceptance email, upload the files they sent me about submitting the paper and draft each section.

For the co-authored paper, there is a table where we can record deadlines and who is doing what – and then we can read and comment on the separate wiki page for each section. When I’ve done this before, the wiki has been a place where co-authors could upload final, formatted WORD documents for others to download and check/correct.

The wiki I made for my paper is here, VALA – Do we remove all the walls. You can watch it as I write it over the next few weeks if you are really voyeuristic.


Here’s a “how to”

1. Get a free wiki at pbwiki

2. Copy and paste the text of the following to create a new wiki page. Link to them from the main page.

2.1 The abstract you sent

2.2 Author biography

2.3 The acceptance email

3. Upload any files, style guides, forms sent as pdfs or attachments. Link to them on the main page.

4. Create a table outlining each section, number of words, date due, proof read, notes, who will do each section.

5. Stop procrastinating. There is now no excuse. Get writing.