Online Learning Virtual Worlds clips


Sorry if you tried to click through from the links in the last post about the Online Learning in Virtual Worlds Symposium. I uploaded the clips from my presentation yesterday to viddler . Unlike YouTube, this allows you to upload the original format, and lets you add a comment at a particular point in the video. I didn’t see the big “Save Changes” button that I should have selected to make the video public.

These links should work:

Libraries in Second Life

Murdoch University Library gets a Second Life

As an added bonus for bearing with me, here is a link to mashable’s Video Toolbox: 150+ Online Video Tools and Resources.

Embedding YouTube


WordPress strips the code when I try to embed a YouTube video. Their support page has one suggestion, but when I checked out the WordPress video plugins page, I found the anarchy media player.
It’s Australian and will let me embed all sorts of video formats. Here’s how it described itself:

Anarchy Media Player 1.6 for WordPress, WordPressMu and Standalone Javascript will play any simple href link to mp3, flv, Quicktime mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gp as well as Windows wmv, avi and asf files, in the appropriate player on your web page. The WordPress versions also add buttons to the Rich Text Editor for embedding Flash swf and Director dcr movies as well as YouTube, Google Video, iFilm, DailyMotion, Revver, Metacafe, MySpace, Apple iTunes iMix, and GoEar players.

Sooo…I’ve downloaded the plugin and will use it to embed my “Happy Holidays” video in the next post.

(If you pay attention to such things, you’ll notice that this post wasn’t made on my blogger blog.

YouTube and I say “Happy holidays”.


Here’s one I made earlier today at the windy beach.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

If the YouTube viewer doesn’t appear in your aggregator, try going here:

Oil your bras…


Having pushed our library staff outside their comfort level with the MULTA project, I was at it again today – this time videoing some of them for the 5 weeks screencast. We all contributed to the project, so I wanted their voices heard too.

When it was my turn, LB who knows how to do this type of thing, attached the radio mike to my shirt and I smiled and spoke into the camera. I felt like a prize ‘nana.

Half way through..”STOP..the mike’s picking up a squeaking noise”. Mike clipped higher up. Still squeaking. Shoes removed. Still squeaking. Chair changed. Still squeaking.

“It’s happening when you move forward”…..

Finally worked out it was the underwire from my bra. Or underplastic in this case.

Before you try videoblogging, check your bra for squeaks.


Librarian 2.0 Manifesto and videocasting


Read the book? Now see the movie.Kingrss has creatively turnedLaura Cohen’s excellent “A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto” into a videocast at YouTube.

It’s great to see the free and meditative form used, and the shots from Burning Man. Along with David King‘s “Are you blogging this?” clip, and the St Joseph County Public Library’s “Ray of Light” clip, it’ s giving me an idea of what’s “allowed” in library videocasts (that would be…. personalised, creative, artistic, captivating, free form and alternative visions).I’ve written the main points of my screencast for 5 weeks to a Social Library onto Post It notes and shuffled them around in my exercise book. Tomorrow night at work, I start turning them into slides using Captivate, to create a draft storyboard and something I can build into a fully fledged screencast.

The wonderful L. from our Teaching and Learning Centre is very experienced with shooting video and interviewing, so she has offered to slot in some “vox pop” micro-interviews with staff who participated. I just need to tell her what I want asked. We’ll experiment in changing the video to the right format, compressing it, then dropping it seamlessly into Captivate.

Not sure where I should draw the line for my screencast between a “professional” feel and a “fun” feel. If I’m alert, I guess I could aim for both…but I don’t want to confuse everyone with anarchy.