Library 2.0 and Beyond: Getting our hands dirty library unconference


Our hands are dirty and like many people, I’m exhausted from the unconference.

Below is a copy of our final Timetable from the unconference wiki . People were a lot more prepared to step up to present and contribute this year – and people seemed to know a lot more about Web2.0 than they did last year. It’s very heartening that several people wrote in their feedback forms (without a prompting question) that they would like to present next year.

Meet At: Where: Why:
9am to 9.30am All meet Ground floor, State Library Theatre foyer Registrations to Unconference
9.30 to 10.00am Get comfy in the Theatre Introduction to sessions, voting and housekeeping
10.00 to 10.30 In the Theatre Libjamming – 3 minute grabs about your Web 2.0 adventures
10.30 to 11am Theatre foyer Time for a coffee before we split for sessions

Unconference Concurrent Sessions and/or Discusions

Session Times Great Southern Room – 4th Fl(75 capacity) Training Room- 4th fl (8 PC’s) Seminar Room 2.9 – 2nd Fl(24 -30) Midwest Room – Mezzanine Floor(18 – 24)
11.00 to 11.40 Ning and Ravelry – Social Networking Google Gadget Videocasting vodcasting lifestreaming computer persuasion
11.40 to 12.20 Screencasting and Slidecasting RSS Mashup Twitter, plurk etc evaluation, web 2.0 pilot program
12.20 to 1.20pm All for Lunch in the Great Southern XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX
1.20 to 2.00pm Wii gaming session in the Southern Special Libraries internet censorship information gateways
2.00 to 2.40pm Inspect A Gadget Flickr / Picture Australia encouraging reluctant users library presence in SL
2.40 to 3.20 Good Site, Bad Site social networking web 3.0 facebook and libraries
2.00 to 3.40 Grab a  tea, coffee, beverage if you need      
Meet at: Where: Why:
2.40 to 3.20 State Library Theatre Second Life and WoW Session with Kathryn and Con- A concurrent session
3.20 to 4pm Settle back into the Theatre The Big debate – active discussion topic. Suggestion only-  “We should stop trying to use new technologies to attract people who aren’t interested in libraries  and focus on people who are already using us and what we already do”
4pm to 4.30pm In the Theatre Evaluation and wrap up
4.30 to 5pm All venues in the SLWA Chat, mingle, help to pack-up/clean up

The State Library’s IT facilities were not up to supporting an event like this, with wifi dropping out, outdated PCs and software and no projectors in many rooms. This was a major frustration for many participants, others just got on with the job despite the limitations and made the best of it.

I did a truncated  session about vodcasting – when all else technical failed, I used my eeePC and own wireless modem. We made a little video to demonstrate why Viddler is so much easier to use than YouTube:Library Unconference session on Vodcasting

I brought a big red suitcase in from home, full to the brim with hardware for the after lunch  “Inspect a Gadget” session. Some participants played Guitar Hero on the Xbox or boxing on the wii at the same time.  Hardware poked and prodded included:

  • iPod touch (jailbroken) – Nick
  • Ubuntu laptop – Nick
  • Windows Mobile 6 phone/PDA
  • eeePC
  • Zoom H2 Field Recorder
  • XO laptop
  • Wireless modem
  • Device to remotely broadcast your PC screen on your TV
  • Wireless headphones
  • Laptop stand
  • Omnidirectional microphone
  • Purse sized speakers
  • Mini – tripd for digital camera
  • HP1950 PDA
  • Portable USB hub
  • iPhones
  • GP2X open source portable gaming console
  • Tablet PC – Con

Here’s a shaky little video I made using my point ‘n’ shoot camera. Inspect a Gadget unconference session