Library unconference for Western Australia


I’m involved in planning a library unconference for Western Australia, hopefully at the State Library of Western Australia and hopefully in the first half of the year. You are welcome to join in – you don’t have to work in a library. You can just be library-curious.

The Yarra Plenty folks look like they had a ball with theirs a couple of weeks ago. Michelle and Genevieve were there.

Yarra Plenty unconference

Uploaded to Flickr by YarraPlentyLibrary on 2 March 2007

Topics covered on the day were:

  • Web 2.0 = library 2.0?
  • Wikis
  • RFID in libraries
  • Literary blogging
  • Information literacy : overcoming fear
  • OPACS and mashups
  • Library education
  • Young people social networking
  • Virtual services universal? /sharing resources
  • Second life tour
  • Re-engineering reference, IM and virtual reference
  • Library 2.0 : 23 things program
  • Tagging reader recommendations : creative tools
  • Convincing stakeholders of our worth

For our planning group, defining success was really interesting. We’ve decided that if people come away inspired and think that the time spent was valuable, then the event will have been successful. We’re not basing success on the numbers of people who turn up, or the money we make, or how orderly the proceedings.

The unconference wiki contains this information so far:

You can subscribe to the RSS feed for changes to the wiki or to the unconfwalib google group to receive unconference planning emails.