Skype and google..they’re talking!!!


Now that I’ve installed skype, my google search results display clickable links to some telephone numbers so I can start a VOIP call with just one click. That’s them below with the Australian flag next to them.

My vague and not-so-tech-savvy-this-morning-brain thinks…..”is this something to do with microformats, and should I find out more about them…they look fun”.

Skype high and Edublog awards night


My telephony is being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I’m about the only person I know who isn’t a dab hand at texting. In the language of my son’s school report, this skill is still “emerging” for me. It’s my last bastion of ludditism..because tonight, I finally succumbed to:

Why? A nifty llittle email arrived in my gmail box this morning reminding me that the 2006 Edublogger awards are being announced tonight at 11pm Western Australian time.

LINT ( has been nominated in the “Best Library/Librarian blog 2006” category. There are 5 entrants in all, three from Australia.

The awards are being transmitted directly from the chat room and Skypecast. It is also streamed live into the Worldbridges building on Info Island in Second Life. A text chat room ran at the same time so people could paste in links and accept awards via text if their microphones didn’t work.

Here’s how it looks live with a skype window open and the chat window open:

Results were updated live on the blog as announced.