Random 4 – 7 – oddsbodkins


Random things 4-7 from the list I made last Thursday:

4. I’m wearing a rainbow coloured hat that looks like a teacosy but keeps my head warm.

5. I’m extrememly shy when the situation calls for social chit chat….I’m a real “kitchen at parties” person, who would rather help out with things that need doing than stand around and make conversation about things that mean nothing to me. (If I care about ithe topic however…). I love to dance at parties and will probably be the third on the dance floor at most gatherings – after the first one , the pioneer, and the second one – who gets up to confirm the first one isn’t a dork.

6. On Tuesday 29th May I had been an orphan for exactly two years.

7. I have 5 pairs of crocs sandals in black, red, blue, purple and pink. Three are fake K-Mart ones. I am very thankful to work in a library where I can wear them.

[…to be continued…almost done…..don’t like this pre-written blogpost idea…..]

Random 3 – My goals


Random thing 3 from the list I made on Thursday:

3. My goals at the moment are:

  1. To stop interrupting people when they are talking
  2. To find the strategic few points in any situation and communicate them, instead of EVERTHING
  3. To reconnect with my husband after several years of our kids’ needs and my parents’ needs draining our energy
  4. To exercise more and eat fewer marshmellows
  5. To regularly get more than 5-6 hr sleep a night.
  6. To do a perfect butterfly with my contact juggling ball
  7. To work out how to say “no” to interesting things when I really don’t have time for them
  8. To find in housework the Zen place that monks go to when they chop wood.

[…to be continued…]

Random 2 – blogs that make me think


Random thing 2 from the list I made on Thursday:

2. Five blogs that make me think are:

  • Danah Boyd’s Apophenia where she discusses youth culture, identity and social networking
  • John Blyberg’s blyberg.net where he showcases some cool gadgetry but I hang round for the sharp-as-a-tack and gentle-as-a-lamb direct hits he can make on the foibles of our profession
  • Sue Waters’ Mobile Technology in TAFE. She makes enhanced podcasts with local educators who use new technology.

The following two make me think in that “crinkle my brow and see whether I know enough techie-talk to follow what they are saying because I know it will be rewarding” way:

  • Panlibus from the guys at Talis
  • PT’s Outing from Peter Sefton who is working on the RUBRIC program and ICE at the University of Southern Queensland

[…to be continued…]

UPDATE: 3 June 2007: Sue Waters’ blog is actually broader than my description – she “ will interview any one, any where, in the world on anything relating to technology”. 

Tagged Randomness


Ryan just tagged me for the 8 random things meme, and Constance-who-is-sometimes- known-as-CW challenged me ages ago to name 5 blogs that make me think, plus asked on Tuesday “what are your goals?”.

I thought I’d just mash ’em up into one post…but it became too long, so instead I’m trickling them out on time delay over the next few days…

Random thing 1.

Tonight I found a teeny tiny brindle staffy pup walking into the traffic near my driveway. I scooped her into a blanket and wandered my neighbourhood asking whether anyone had lost her. Ended up taking her to the local vet to spend the night there before she is taken to the pound.

[…to be continued…]