My year in first lines.


I liked this meme over at Ruminations, The year in sentences. The first line of the first post for each month of the last year.

December We know that the nature of the web is changing from read only to read/write.

November If you have a couple of minutes, please swing by this blog and leave a comment.

October Still on holidays and back from a few days at the seashore where I saw baby seagulls nesting and baby penguins and sealions lazing on the sand and dolphins playing by the boat.

September So, call me a twopointopian for loving my workday today.

August We’re a nosy bunch in the biblioblabbersphere.

July Here’s my answer to anyone who asks “so – what do you do at an unconference or barcamp ?”….

June Random thing 2 from the list I made on Thursday: 2. Five blogs that make me think are:

May Yesterday I outlined Ten very good reasons why your librarians should be in Second Life.

April Google paper – helping the environment get incrementally healthier.

March Circuses? They’re all about performing animals and clowns that do slapstick and must have a ringmaster with a big black moustache, right?

February Back in 1993, after Peter Steiner’s “on the internet no-one knows you’re a dog” cartoon was published in The New Yorker (pg 61 of July 5, 1993), everyone seemed to have it up on their wall.

January ‘Tis the season for blog migrations.