Meme – Passion Quilt


Slowing down on blogging for a bit because I have something in common with a Barbie doll. My right elbow isn’t really opening more than about 150 degrees. It’s a bit wobbly too. I suspect it is self inflicted – either the triceps track on Body Pump or too much mousing. I hope that anti-inflammatories will fix it and I’ll be back on track within the week.

Mattel 1156 uploaded to Flickr on March 9, 2007 by Patrick Q

Anyhow, I’m taking this chance to follow up a meme that Jude O’Connell tagged me for . The idea is to take any image ( under Creative Commons of course) and then caption it to show what I am most passionate for students to learn.

This sums it up for me:


Rainbow uploaded to Flickr on December 31, 2006 by yewenyi

3 Simple Meme Rules:

  • Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about…and give your picture a short title.
  • Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt” and link back to this blog entry.(Although not specified in the rules, I’ve traced it back to this post)
  • Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.


I’m tagging these educators:

Random 4 – 7 – oddsbodkins


Random things 4-7 from the list I made last Thursday:

4. I’m wearing a rainbow coloured hat that looks like a teacosy but keeps my head warm.

5. I’m extrememly shy when the situation calls for social chit chat….I’m a real “kitchen at parties” person, who would rather help out with things that need doing than stand around and make conversation about things that mean nothing to me. (If I care about ithe topic however…). I love to dance at parties and will probably be the third on the dance floor at most gatherings – after the first one , the pioneer, and the second one – who gets up to confirm the first one isn’t a dork.

6. On Tuesday 29th May I had been an orphan for exactly two years.

7. I have 5 pairs of crocs sandals in black, red, blue, purple and pink. Three are fake K-Mart ones. I am very thankful to work in a library where I can wear them.

[…to be continued…almost done…..don’t like this pre-written blogpost idea…..]

Random 3 – My goals


Random thing 3 from the list I made on Thursday:

3. My goals at the moment are:

  1. To stop interrupting people when they are talking
  2. To find the strategic few points in any situation and communicate them, instead of EVERTHING
  3. To reconnect with my husband after several years of our kids’ needs and my parents’ needs draining our energy
  4. To exercise more and eat fewer marshmellows
  5. To regularly get more than 5-6 hr sleep a night.
  6. To do a perfect butterfly with my contact juggling ball
  7. To work out how to say “no” to interesting things when I really don’t have time for them
  8. To find in housework the Zen place that monks go to when they chop wood.

[…to be continued…]

Tagged Randomness


Ryan just tagged me for the 8 random things meme, and Constance-who-is-sometimes- known-as-CW challenged me ages ago to name 5 blogs that make me think, plus asked on Tuesday “what are your goals?”.

I thought I’d just mash ’em up into one post…but it became too long, so instead I’m trickling them out on time delay over the next few days…

Random thing 1.

Tonight I found a teeny tiny brindle staffy pup walking into the traffic near my driveway. I scooped her into a blanket and wandered my neighbourhood asking whether anyone had lost her. Ended up taking her to the local vet to spend the night there before she is taken to the pound.

[…to be continued…]

5 things.5 words.


Tagged again. By name this time. Done it once. Should I play again? Why not? I’m mutating it. Under 5 words each point. And whole post, too.

Richard Wallis tagged me. He writes for Panlibus. His personal blog is new. Should be interesting.


Here’s mine:

  1. Couldn’t tie shoelaces until 9.
  2. Ballet lessons 3 – 9 years.
  3. Quit law school. Disliked peers.
  4. Learning contact juggling. Hard.Fun.
  5. Attend Laughter Yoga Thursdays. Uplifting.
    That’s it. Tagging with mutated meme:

    1. Michelle M
    2. Fiona B
    3. Tom G
    4. Morgan W
    5. Ryan D

5 things you didn’t know about Kathryn Greenhill


I’ve been sitting out here on the “C” list in Australia, waiting to be tagged with this meme. I’ve just had three “driveby” taggings – of the “if you’re reading this, you’re tagged” kind – so off I go…

  1. Neither my husband nor I were born Greenhill. It’s the family name we chose when our first child was born. We changed our names by deed, then registered the birth.
  2. I’ve just come out of 9 years of looking after small children and dying parents, so the opportunity to choose what I do with some hours of my day is novel and exciting. I’m like a kid in a lolly shop.
  3. In 1991, I was removed by police from a public bar in Swansea, Tasmania, making the front page of the Mercury. I was having a quiet drink with some other women the night after the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission had ruled that the RSL could not legally continue to exclude women from the bar. The RSL President was drunk and belligerent and removing us was how the police kept the peace.
  4. I have a morbid fear of beetroot. The smell, the stains, the texture, the taste, the look…all spine-chilling.
  5. I am very good at yoyo tricks. I had pneumonia when I was 11, during a yoyo craze. While I was off school recovering, I put the time to good use.

Consider yourself driveby tagged if you’re reading this, but particularly if you are:

  1. CW
  2. Dave Pattern
  3. Feral TB
  4. Rochelle Hartman
  5. Judy O’Connell


Meme-y begging


Please, please, please join in on this one….please, please…even if you have to create a blog to do so…………does that sound enough like begging?

Please see below.

Via Ruminations:

Scott Kaufmann‘s trying to measure the speed of memes.

If you’d like to help out, follow these steps, and I quote:

1. Write a post linking to this one in which you explain the experiment. (All blogs count, be they TypePad, Blogger, MySpace, Facebook, &c.)
2. Ask your readers to do the same. Beg them. Relate sob stories about poor graduate students in desperate circumstances. Imply I’m one of them. (Do whatever you have to. If that fails, try whatever it takes.) [I have no sob stories: do it if you want to?]
3. Ping Technorati.

He’ll be reporting on what he finds at the forthcoming MLA convention.

Via Bitch Ph.D.