What if I was my own blog ?


Lovely Dave Pattern wanted to cheer me up for not winning the Edublog award, so very sweetly combined

ImageMagick, 30 minutes of furious Perl coding, a little bit of random font rotation, a suitable JPEG source image, and the RSS feed from Kathryn’s blog

And redrew my twitter profile photo with words from this blog. You can read the words in the large version of the image. Yes, that’s the same Dave who drew me and a bunch of other librarians as book covers in February.

kg_001 Uploaded on December 11, 2007 by Dave & Bry

Thanks Dave. I’m smiling. Widely.

This is me. I work on the web


Great meme going around on flickr. I think it started from this photo by Nick Hodge, but it has been spreading quickly through the Australian web community, championed by Lisa Herrod .

I did mine on Monday, but even though it is flagged as publicly available, it still isn’t showing up under a search for the iworkontheweb tag, although it is in the iworkontheweb pool .

Here’s the photo, This is me. Check it out to find out why I think talking about web2.0 now feels so much like trying to tell people about the internet at the start of the ’90s.

Random 4 – 7 – oddsbodkins


Random things 4-7 from the list I made last Thursday:

4. I’m wearing a rainbow coloured hat that looks like a teacosy but keeps my head warm.

5. I’m extrememly shy when the situation calls for social chit chat….I’m a real “kitchen at parties” person, who would rather help out with things that need doing than stand around and make conversation about things that mean nothing to me. (If I care about ithe topic however…). I love to dance at parties and will probably be the third on the dance floor at most gatherings – after the first one , the pioneer, and the second one – who gets up to confirm the first one isn’t a dork.

6. On Tuesday 29th May I had been an orphan for exactly two years.

7. I have 5 pairs of crocs sandals in black, red, blue, purple and pink. Three are fake K-Mart ones. I am very thankful to work in a library where I can wear them.

[…to be continued…almost done…..don’t like this pre-written blogpost idea…..]

Going back to my village


I’m off down South for my Aunty Rose’s 90th birthday party.

I grew up in a small country town, and once a year or so, I go back and visit my aunts and godmother, and the graves of my mum, dad and sister.

I read a lot of Indian fiction, and it often has a protaganist who leaves their home village for the big city. For the first 18 years of my life, I knew everyone, their place in life, and they knew me. Never saw the parallels before.