Manamanah! Streaming YouTube video into Google Lively


Oh yeah. Amy Buckland invited me to play on Jambina’s raft’ in Google’s Lively (virtual-world-in-a-browser)

I dipped into my inventory, pulled out a TV set, used the edit option to add a YouTube URL to it …. and here’s a little movie of what happened

I wonder whether Google has moves to create a U-Stream kind of service. I can image a whole bunch of avatars sitting around on a raft, watching a U-stream type of show and using Lively as the chat-room, instead of the boring little window at the side of the screen at the moment.

Sirexkat Island in google Lively Beta virtual world


Google announced today the beta release of their virtual-world-in-a-browser , Lively .

If you want a serious review, try the one in ArsTechnica: Hands-on: Google’s Lively social 3D world is 20 percent done .

First impressions? Easier to get into and get going than Second Life. I think it’s cute the way that entering an emoticon in my chat animates my avatar eg. a smiley 🙂 makes her jump and laugh. Obviously not as sophisticated as Second Life, but very, very interesting to see what can happen once some decent editing tools are released. And I wonder just who owns the intellectual property in what you create …..

I’ve created my own island, Sirexkat Island. I’ve taken a photo, made a movie and embedded the room right into this blog post. I’d be interested whether that comes out in the RSS feed 🙂

The photo

Sirexkat Island

The movie