Lego trainset 111 – Happy Halloween


Ever have a brain fry in the middle of a presentation and start raving on about things you didn’t expect? All the while you are listening to yourself thinking “Girl! WTF are you TALKING about?”. Happened to me at Podcamp during my Blog Fodder presentation where I talked for about 3 minutes about “Lego Trainset 111″ to illustrate Ellysa Kroski’s 18 Different Types of Blog posts.

Here’s the video, Podcamp Perth 2007: The blog session, that the Co-Pilot put up at Viddler. If you push play on my blog, the video magically jumps to the start of “Trainset 111″. If you view it on Viddler, then mover the slider to the white dots marking start and finish.

Disembodied voices who made it all unconferency are Gary Barber, Sue Waters and Frances McClean. Plus Maeve and Trevor and Julia and Con chiming in too.
Other Podcamp videos now at Viddler include:

During my brain fry, I made the comment that a lego blog where someone took a step-by-step photo of the construction process would probably get many, many more readers than my blog ever would. For those uninitiated in this genre…I present…17 photos in a step-by-step guide to How to make a Lego minifig costume for Halloween

UPDATE 12 Nov 2007: Viddler removed the streaming feature last week, so the clip now starts at the beginning.

(And after upgrading this blog to v2.3.1, this post is stuffing up my template, so I had to remove the embedded video – ick)