Video gems


When I’m Five

1984. Just after David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” period. Two teenaged girls stay up really late to watch David Bowie’s previously unreleased 1969 movie. “Love you til Tuesday“.

Jaws drop and they NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. In fact all video shops and libraries seem to deny its existence. Until today, when the riches can be relived.

Keep watching until the shots of the cake are over, listen to the rather clever lyrics and be glad I didn’t embed the five minute mime sequence that comes complete with green satin….um…codpiece.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

Embedded video: When I’m Five

And if YouTube isn’t enough…

Just in case I wanted to see what those crazy Christians…err Christ Followers…err Christians…get up to with a video camera, I can always check out…



And with clips such as this one, Mac vs PC Parody part 2 – I don’t know whether to be more weirded out by:

  • the whole site concept
  • the particular clip; or
  • the user comments below it.

(Reference to GodTube via a Twitter from stevencohen)