Brave new world


Where you can buy Rocket Packs for $2.00.

Where you can buy Penguin Paperback Editions of your favourite contemporary authors.

Where you can stupidly offer to do three presentations and one workshop over five days in two different cities – and not realise that probably one would be sufficient. Overexposing, excessive and stress producing (but thrilling and stimulating too). If you see me at any of these sessions, come up and say hi.

1 February 2008 Friday 3:15 – 5pm Second Life workshop. Creating avatars and doing more with avatars Web 2.0 : Beyond the Hype, Brisbane.

2 February 2008 Saturday 1:15 – 1:45 Hot Topic Presentation Five Social Software Sites that libraries shouldn’t ignore Web 2.0 : Beyond the Hype, Brisbane.

5 February 2008 Tuesday 11:20 – 11:50 Paper: Do we remove all the walls? Second Life Librarianship VALA conference, Melbourne

6 February Wednesday 2:35 – 3:05 Paper: Libraries interact: collaboration and community in the Australian library blogosphere with Con Wiebrands (but without Fiona Bradley the other author as she’s in the Hague having exciting fun doing marvels with the website for IFLA). VALA conference, Melbourne

I’m looking forward to meeting library folk from all over Australia, hearing new ideas and especially meeting some of the the lint folk for the first time (watch for details of the first Australian Library Bloggers’ Dinner in Melbourne on Monday 4 February – all bloggers or blog curious welcome). Not looking forward to those “mix ‘n’ mingle” events (like the Conference Dinner), where I get totally overwhelmed and am never sure quite what I’m meant to be doing.

By the way, if you’re wondering about the Rocket Pack. Look here .

Why write a conference paper using a wiki ?


VALA 2008, here I come. Well, if I can write one paper and co-author another one in the next 6 weeks. Ulp.

I’m using a wiki to write both papers – even the one I’m writing by myself. Why? One spot where I can record what I submitted, the acceptance email, upload the files they sent me about submitting the paper and draft each section.

For the co-authored paper, there is a table where we can record deadlines and who is doing what – and then we can read and comment on the separate wiki page for each section. When I’ve done this before, the wiki has been a place where co-authors could upload final, formatted WORD documents for others to download and check/correct.

The wiki I made for my paper is here, VALA – Do we remove all the walls. You can watch it as I write it over the next few weeks if you are really voyeuristic.


Here’s a “how to”

1. Get a free wiki at pbwiki

2. Copy and paste the text of the following to create a new wiki page. Link to them from the main page.

2.1 The abstract you sent

2.2 Author biography

2.3 The acceptance email

3. Upload any files, style guides, forms sent as pdfs or attachments. Link to them on the main page.

4. Create a table outlining each section, number of words, date due, proof read, notes, who will do each section.

5. Stop procrastinating. There is now no excuse. Get writing.

Eduserv Symposium: Virtual Worlds Real Learning?


Right now I’m on Cybrary City in Second Life attending the Eduserv Symposium Virtual Worlds Real Learning? which is being streamed live from the London . I’m having my first shot at liveblogging.

[Bit of a break in here. Below is a long steam copied as the speaker was talking, more or less untidied. The first two speakers aren’t nearly as interesting as Stephen Downes at the end, who had a brief to be provocative and took a technoskeptic line. He’s worth looking at.

The speakers were streamed into a large screen with audio, a small inset of their face talking in the corner of their presentation slides. As one of the SL audience said, we were still slaves to HorrorPoint.

In between speakers, I got some tips about resources for the introduction to Second Life classes I’m giving in the next few months, I teleported a friend who had noticed on twitter that I was at the symposium, and met with a blogger in remote Scotland whose blog I have read for the past 6 months or so, but hadn’t realised was involved with SL. ]



The first speaker is Joanna Scott from Nature Publishing, who publish the Science Journal, Nature.

Their island is called “Second Nature”. They started off with a couple of nifty installations, like a 3D display of molecules – you specify the molecule and a model appears in front of you. They also experimented with a representation of a cell.

They decided, however, that they don’t create content in their magazine, they take content from other scientists and they wanted to replicate this model in Second Life.

There have been several people who took up the offer to use the space, including a professor who teaches classes in Second Life and has a Blue Obelisk Cemetary where people can click on blue stones and take a quiz. The value turns out to be that lots of people stop by and chat about the subject area. Also the JCB Center for Open Notebook Science and the Gene Pool are other projects.

Would never consider putting the articles from the journal on the web.

“We don’t exactly know what we are doing in Second Life, and we don’t think anyone really does, but we can see the potential and we’re going to stay here”.

Could Second Life replace the Conference? She raised the point that Environmental Scientists are not attending conferences due to the impact of airflight.

Question: How to justify the time and energy put into SL

Answer: Her department is there to investigate things like this without producing immediate return. SL has potential to be really big, really important..don’t know how..but being there gives us the skills and ability to shape what the future of SL will be.

Question: Are other scientific journals doing anything in SL?

Not that she knows of, although Penguin publishers are there.


Need to start exploiting potential of Second Life. Set up a Learning Futures Academy.

Universities don’t change very quickly 😉 so this project lets students envision how their university will look.

Not creating an artifact, but collaboratively creating a future.

Looking at what can do in SL that you CAN’T do in RL, not what you can do in SL that mirrors RL.

Imagining futures better.

Media Zoo – for evidence from media projects

Want to elicit viable and possible futures by interactive environement in SL. Have been messing about with it, but haven’t come up with the answers yet.

Shouldn’t be looking back in 5 years time and saying “oh, if only we’d known”. Hope to engage everyone now.

“Today’s students are not longer the people our education systems were designed to teach”

Designing for an unknown future.

Activities to innovate…1) Extend and defend core business 2) Build emerging business 3) Create viable options

Hope higher ed will begin focussing on 3).

SEAL research- Second Life Advanced Learning


1) Surface learners’ choices

2) Build communities of learners

3) Create models of learning for the future

Methodologies for face to face environments aren’t applicable to SL. They are using Cognitive Mapping. Looked at successful models from other online applications. Work with futurists.

(Cognitive mapping = by Kelly 1955 )

Output: Want to create a framework of learning and a sharable model.

[comment from someone in the SL audience: we dont get far away from the lecture model at conferences even in SL. We’re slaves to power point]

Question: ethics and informed consent

Answer: can use existing approaches

STEPHEN DOWNES: Virtual Worlds in Context

Being cast as a Technoskeptic

Hearing a lot about SL. People are making points about the economics of SL. Gartner Hype Cycle mentioned again: “80% of all active Internet users will have a SL in a virtual world by 2011”. Is that really reasonable?

Teen Second Life library mentioned. When he saw the paper on Teen SL Library, particulalry noticed the “special permission” to librarians to be in Teen SL…language seemed odd for public education

It’s all so derivative. He’s pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. (But without spite I think). Branding in SL.

It’s like a scene from Star Trek until you hit the casinos. Buildings and nothing else. Look at map and see the little green dots where the people are, teleport down and there is a casino.

Clay Shirky. “I’ts a try me virus”.

When SL reached 38 K people online, it began kicking people out. “38K compared to the number of users in the internet is a rounding error”.

The media is largely push driven.

Where is open source in SL? Why was copybot killed?

People forget history. (eg. virtual reality). Before the internet, there was two sides..the gamers side and the text side. When people say SL is not a game, I hear myself saying “how is this not a game?”, when what people are doing is creating things and showing off cf. Sims city.

<SHIFT> Fund in Sim City , can get more dollars. Same in SL, you can cheat and buy Lindens. Crossover between MUDS, MUVES, MUSES, DIKUs.

Mult Academic User Domain. The Palace. Furcadia. Active Worlds.WoW.

Gartner Hype cycle. 5 laws of VRs

  1. Virtual worlds are not games (speaker: yes they are, but it’s OK)
  2. Every avatar is a real person
  3. Be relevant and add value
  4. Contain the downside
  5. This is a long haul (This is what your broker tells you just before the big crash.)

Real issues . David Noble. Digital Diploma Mills. Internet didn’t suddenly commercialise education, BUT the environment for education in SL is what Noble warned against.

Who owns SL? Not the users, not the learners. If you don’t subscribe, you get kicked off if it gets too busy.

Centralised. It’s all in one domain and it doesn’t work. Too much data and can’t be handled.

Can SL scale?

Interoperability. MUDS and Inter MUDS. People would chat between MUDS. Communications between MUDS. Issues of transport of goods.

[Audience comment: Isn’t that what Multiverse was about]?

Why do we tolerate something like SL where we can’t even own our own names.

SL taps into our latent conservativism. This is so NOT Web2.0. It doesn’t empower people. Pedagogy doesn’t change, power structures don’t change. No open standards. SL is where the traditional publishers are creating the content.

Why do people like SL? Is it because you can stream? Because you can lecture…Is that what is unique to SL. We have been able to do these already.

SL isn’t too good at communication. Try to have conversation in a group of 100 people.

Compare to IM, MySpace, YouTube, Skype, Wii.

How much in SL is being done just becuase it’s SL?

What is real value of SL?

1) SL has real economy

2) Can create ownership

3) World must be persistent

Is this the online learning we have been waiting for. Is private ownership what we were looking for ? Is it branding? Proprietary technology.

[Audience:  I view SL as a prototype of a much  more capable future 3D environment.]

Hardware and software should be distributed. Should be open source. Should be non-commercial. Should be diverse and democratic . Want to have ownership in our identities. This will create the Learning Common. But we won’t have it by 2011.

(He had been asked to be provocative)

Q: How can this be a game when I’m doing my professional work and making academic contacts in it

A: I got my start in academic circles via MUDS. Just because it’s a game doesn’t mean it can’t be those other things.

What do I think of twitter?


It’s fun. It’s more useful than I thought. It’s not for everyone. It can be a timesink. It can feel like a popularity contest (par for the course with social networking sites). You can still get spammed.

cathistory: Uploaded to Flickr on March 13, 2007 by ian_delaney

twitter asks “What are you doing?” and people use 140 characters or less to answer, callled a “tweet”. All day. With their friends. It’s microliveblogging.

You can tweet from your mobile phone, or your IM client or via RSS or directly on the web site. From my homepage on twitter, other people can see all the tweets from the people I am following in a huge stream-of-conciousness yawp.

I fiddled with twitter a while back, but like Fiona, I didn’t find it very useful. About a month ago, as twitter began tipping toward mainstream, a mob of bibliobloggers started experimenting with it. I tried again.

I “friended” some of the names I recognised from the biblioblogosphere. Not all of them friended me back, so they don’t see my tweets. This gets frustrating when I want to tweet back to something interesting. Reminds me that we are rethinking privacy and boundaries as sites get more social and immediate. Why should they friend back someone who they never met in another country? Why does it bug me when they don’t? (Because it reminds me of being excluded from the big kids’ games as a kid? I think it’s time to get over that. )

It is exciting to be peeking into other people’s lives. Even hearing about them making udon noodles is interesting. I almost stopped twittering because there are only so many ways you can say “Avoiding housework”, but felt that the price I paid for their trivia was sharing mine.

Then it began being used in other ways.

  • I watched CW‘s progress as she took an overnight trip to a regional campus.
  • Steven Cohen is sending interesting links to twitter, via RSS as he Tumbls them.
  • Rochelle Hartman asked for feedback about her plans for a staff retreat and some of us checked it over and emailed her back
  • Meredith Farkas was twittering about a problem she was having with Elsevier and Michelle Boule, who was in a meeting with an Elsevier rep was able to ask a tricky question about it.
  • I mentioned a really interesting place I’d found in Second Life and one of my Twitter friends (who I’d never met in RL or SL) popped in to SL and we rode some kangaroos around Cybrary City II.
  • Simone posted a request from our state newspaper to interview twitterers
  • The Virginia Tech shootings were reported almost as soon as they happened
  • Currently the twitterati are at the Computers in Libraries Conference 2007, and twitter is being used for liveblogging, to find each other in crowds and people arranging to meet for drinks/meals afterward. There is a separate Twitter user called “cil07” who has been friended by twitterers at the conference so you can subscribe to the feed and see what everyone is doing.

The key to this working is a critical mass of people with a joint interest twittering constantly. I don’t know whether this is sustainable, but it’s fun watching it evolve. If you want to experiment, feel free to friend me.

Go and see Jessamyn.


Jessamyn West is speaking at the Local Government Librarians’ Association of Western Australia conference here in Perth on Friday 2 March. Registration closes today.

Last night, I urged a friend to register for the session. She said:

“Weblogs???. My public library doesn’t even have enough money for bookstock and only recently automated – and you want me to go to a talk about blogging??”.

I filled her in on some of Jessamyn’s personal background – the former dreadlocks, the unusual marriage proposal in the middle of presenting a tech session at a conference, the session where she placed bunny ears on a library director, but most of all her passion for using her tech skills to help small libraries serve their communities better.

Last week, Jessamyn posted in abada abada a link to an article about her in the Valley News. If you haven’t already read the ALIA Librarians on the Edge article from last November, then this one provides a good background.

The fact that the author seemed to use so much material from Jessamyn’s blog, as well as interviewing her, got me thinking about how blogs relate to traditional print media. Much of the “truth” about her and her life seems to come from the picture she’s painted in her blog.

This suggested two trends to me:

1) Bloggers begin to control the mainstream media portrayal of what they blog about – a very extreme evolution of the press release. Instead of just reprinting a press release, as often used to happen, reporters begin sewing together pieces of a blog for news articles.

2) Maybe – and I saw no evidence of it in the article about Jessamyn – news media will begin “catch out the blogger” pieces, where they trawl through blog posts like Alex Hanson did – but then do more research on the bloggers’ life and reveal the bits that the blogger chooses not to show in some puff of scandal. “Scoble was in Chicago for a week back in 2001 and he didn’t mention it” Shock horror!

Information Online 2007 – Part 2


I’m not there, but Michelle McClean from the Connecting Librarian is.

She’s made several detailed posts summarising the first day’s sessions. Worth checking out.

I love her list of things she’s resolving to do as a result of attending the conference. And this is just after the first day……

  • I want a USB stick with an MP3 player and FM tuner in the same piece of hardware.
  • I need to look up the e-government strategy and find out any implications for my library.
  • I need to have another look at the website and link to it on my library’s website.
  • I need to have another look at the AGIMO website, for what’s new/changed.
  • I will investigate what the mobile web will mean for our electronic services and will have that as a criteria for our new website design.
  • Say in touch with the development of the semantic web.
  • Look up more on the governments’ water plan and get more info up on our website on water and the water crisis in Australia.
  • Investigate our policy on choosing between hardcopy and electronic resources and if we don’t have one, get one!
  • Use James Robertsons advice to avoid as many pitfalls as possible as we begin work on our intranet proper.
  • Check out the StepTwo website for relevant articles.
  • Look more at staff skills audits, particularly at the type of IT skills our staff need.
  • Investigate ways in which our new ILMS can tap into Web 2.0 type initiatives – ie. comments, and/or find others way to provide this type of interaction.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and fail – try and learn, try and learn.
  • Seek potential for external partnerships.
  • Keep aware of search engine trends.
  • Help our staff development move from training to life long learning – use Learning 2.0 programs.
  • Get usability testing as part of our new website design.

Information Online 2007


The kids start a new school on Wednesday, so I won’t be flying across the continent to attend the Information Online 2007 conference, which runs from Tuesday 30 January to Thursday 1 February.

Instead, I’m looking at the Conference Planner and picking my ideal program.


Like everyone, I like to think of myself as open to new ideas. The papers I found most interesting, however, were those by people I already know. Maybe I’m just interested in the same things as them, or just maybe a personal connection is a BIG influence when choosing papers to attend. Does this mean that if you want to get lots of people to your presentaion next year you should try and hang out with as many people as possible during the cocktail party this year? Only if they like you and remember you, I guess.

Papers which I’m particularly missing are:

I’m also not meeting up with the rest of the LINT crew, most of whom will be in Sydney at the time. So I won’t be wearing something lint covered so they can identify me, won’t be going out for drinks and won’t be finally meeting the bunch whose ideas I’ve enjoyed so much in the last six months. I’ve previously met CW, Peta and Bronwyn, and will meet up with Fiona next month. Michelle, and the testosterone-y ones – snail, Morgan and Corey – I’m yet to meet. But I’m sure those who are there will blog long and hard about the conference on LINT. (Or enjoy themselves so much that they forget all about blogging the conference – either option sounds good to me)

Informaton Online 2007 has a conference blog, but for some reason it has no RSS feed, only a link to an online form with 11 separate boxes to fill in for an email update. Hmmmmm…I’d leave them a comment about it, but they are not enabled. Hmmmmm….