Looking to the future…


Bits of me are back from the Aurora Leadership Institute.

I’ve been learning from some people with deep personal power – participants, facilitators and mentors alike. If I could buy some more processing space in my head and heart to deal with it all quickly, I would. The really big insights and actions are still on their way down the mountain from Thredbo, and I’m sure I’ll catch up with them in the next lifetime or so.

While I’ve been off gazing into the future, it looks like there’s been some interesting developments in library blogland.

  • My esteemed colleague, Carolyn, has left MPOW, taking 13 years of IT and organizational knowledge with her. Not good. But – she’s sharing some of that with us all via her new blog, Red Dirt Librarian. Good. With a first post ending in “let’s share”, and a second one describing Models for Managing IT in Libraries, I think all she needs is a few comments and she’ll be hooked.
  • If you can’t get to Jessamyn West’s sessions next Friday 2 March, and you’re feeling all library mentorish – you could catch up with her that night at a Graduate Mentoring Program social event at 6pm at Hotel Northbridge (cnr Lake & Brisbane St,Northbridge).
  • Looks like planning for a library unconference in Western Australia is beginning to speed up.
  • The CEO of SIRSI/Dynix resigned.
  • Roy Tennant and John Blyberg made an open plea to ILS vendors – and their customers – to embrace change and survive. Richard Wallis from Talis responded.
  • While we all joke about Web3.0, this article from the Lifeboat Foundation uses the term to try to engage with what a more intelligent web would be like – The third generation web is coming. Q. What does Web3.0 have in common with Web2.0? A. Dumb name – significant concepts.

Whewwwww! And I’m only about a third through catching up with my email and RSS feeds.

If I owe you an email or a comment from while I’ve been away – it’s coming – I’m just defusing my head for a bit first.

Speaking in tongues: Libworm and VLINT


Two new library resources:

1. Libworm: describes itself as:

the librarian RSS engine
over 1000 RSS feeds go in
exactly what you need comes out!”

I still subscribe to feeds for individual blogs, rather than feeds for searches. I’ve noticed that some more techno-savvy bloggers are tending toward the latter. This may just be the tool that makes me switch – but I doubt it, I’m too attached to connecting with people’s voices and their individual lives

2. VLINT (Virtual.librariesinteract.info: blog central for Australian Libraries in Other Worlds)

Since Lorelei Junot very nicely offered me a building in Cybrary City for Australian Libraries to share, we’ve been pottering about the building. VLINT started as a place to record the nuts and bolts, daily operations of the project. This gives whoever takes on the project (soon I hope) a history to work with.

snail suggested that we could broaden it to include Australian Libraries in all “Other Worlds”. Great idea. I really hope someone interested in virtual library branches or gaming in libraries starts posting.

TODAY’S HIPPIE CARD: Let go of the past