Message on my blogger blog


Here’s what I wrote tonight on my blogger blog:

I’m putting the finishing touches on migration from Blogger Beta to WordPress on my own domain, in time for 1 January 2007.

When it’s done, I’ll do a couple of big posts on the lines of “Wow..THESE are the plugins to use if you’re going to do THAT” and “Welcome to my new place, here’s the details”.

Here’s a sneak preview of the header:


If I’ve previously linked to any posts on your blog, you may notice new pingbacks from my new domain. That happens when my old posts get imported to WordPress

Posts from the new blog should just appear in the Feedburner feed, without you having to do anything. If you don’t subscribe through the feedburner feed, here’s the details: I’m guessing that when the new blog is fed in, the 111 previous posts from this blog will show up in your aggregator. Apologies for this in advance.

I’m busy, busy, busy and having fun, fun, fun so will update more soon.