Archiving our online life


Are you backing up your blog? Do you think you should? Do you think libraries have any role in archiving them?

The UNC Chapel Hill School of Info and Library Science are after 300 bloggers to take a survey answering these questions. Blogger perceptions on digital preservation. I took it and it reminded me to download the blog backup I keep on the very same server my blog is stored on.

In Australia, the Pandora project, run from the National Library of Australia archives significant Australian web documents and sites. LINT was archived there a few months ago, leading us to reconsider our copyright statement. We updated our instructions for contributers so that they understood everything published there was under a Creative Commons attribution license. If you want to know about other impacts on sites that were archived by Pandora, check out Edgar Crooks’ For the Record: Assessing the Impact of Archiving on the Archived in RLG Diginews, 15 August 2006.

Edgar asked me, after my Second Life talk at the National Library, how we could archive the Australian Libraries Building in Second Life. I suggested that we could create a machinima (movie created using the tools within the virtual environment). He liked the suggestion, so a couple of months ago Emerald Dumont gave a guided tour of the library which was filmed by another Second Life librarian, who is still editing it. Interestingly, the Pandora people didn’t want to do this themselves as to enter Second Life you need to create an avatar, which means they are “imposing themselves on the archive” and creating content rather than just recording it.