Homeward bound. Blogjune. 19/24



University of Melbourne from 10th floor of Law School Building, Pelham Street.

A green city square with very yellow-leaves trees at the centre.

Today was a success too.

This has been the most incident-free event I have been associated in this job so far. The Skills Summit last month had one speaker fall off a ladder and another withdraw on the day before – and the event photographer had an awful leg injury the same day. Transmission was sometimes patchy when people were beamed in via Zoom. We learned much.

So much so, that when one of the research infrastructure partners announced that Creative Australia (formerly the Australia Council) had offered for one of their Canberra staff to remotely talk about their contribution in the last session of the day, instead of being thrown into a tailspin I could say – “yes, we can absolutely do that”.

Now, finally on a plane about to return home.

What do you think? Let us know.