CoverItLive V Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas Day Three 5 November 2010


Today I am at the V Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas at the Laboral University in Gijon, Spain, where I am on a “Round Table” panel where we will be discussing the public library as a hero in the digital age. As you can see from the link below, I am using my “Deeply local at the library” video. There is a live video stream of the proceedings.

Here is the Spanish description of the participants and topics:

Reflexiones sobre el valor de la biblioteca pública en la sociedad digital

Eppo Van Nispen Tot Sevenaer, Director Ejecutivo de United Promotion for Books (CPNB) (Holanda)

Kathryn Greenhill, Profesora asociada de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Curtin University of Technology, Perth (Australia)

Martin Palmer, Director de las Bibliotecas del Condado de Essex (Reino Unido)

Daniel Cassany, Profesor titular en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona

Régis Dutremée, Jefe del departamento Biblioteca Digital, Biblioteca Pública de Información, Centro Georges Pompidou (Francia)

Modera: M. Ramona Domínguez Sanjurjo, Directora de la Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Salamanca

I am tweeting the conference from @libsmatter .  The hashtag is #vcnbp . Here is the CoverItLive window of my tweets.

3 thoughts on “CoverItLive V Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas Day Three 5 November 2010

  1. Can’t tell you how much it saddens me to say, that I’m looking at your blog at lunchtime at work, and I can’t run your video because (sob) at this public library we aren’t allowed to stream anything. I know it’s a bandwidth issue, but frankly, I’d settle for being a *participant* in the digital age, never mind a hero!

What do you think? Let us know.