Thank you Yarnbrarains !


Many librarians have cats. Many librarians knit and crochet. Life facts that we should all accept – and celebrate.

Just check out the Flickr search for “Librarians Knitting” and scroll through the pages to see what I mean.

Look around at your library next conference, even in classes at university, and the needles are flicking. I’ve been in several unconference sessions where social networking is being discussed and someone eventually shuffles to their feet to say “Well, I’m a member of this amazing network for knitters and crocheters called Ravelry“, to be met with a few heads snap-turning in their direction and a chorus of “oh – me tooo”….and then all talk of librarianship melts into the ether….

If you want a geeky treat, check out current VALA president, Kim Tairi’s Flickr stream of amazing amigurumi, especially the Spuffy and Doctor and Amy Pond sets. I think my favourite is Bunny winks then shoots you – DEAD :

Ryan Deschamps even shows how knitting is a skill that can be used for librarianship. To attract the attention of passers-by in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in June he and a group of other knitters created a Yarnbomb and  wrapped it around a tree. They attached publicity material asking for the community’s vision for their new library – Public Tree Yarn Wrap.

Knitting and crocheting librarians are also generous souls. How else can I explain the appearance in my life of an alpaca (?) wool Toque that Ryan knitted for me  on the way to Computers in Libraries last year. Or the purple handwarmers that Kate made for me before she left for Melbourne. Or the wonderful package of goodies sent by Cindi last week as a congratulations for finishing my degree and starting a new job.

Thank you Yarnbrarians. I was going to wish that you ravel long and prosper – but looks like ravel means “pull apart” (so is almost the same as unravel?)…. Anyhow, please know that your continued creativity creates bright spots in my days.

3 thoughts on “Thank you Yarnbrarains !

  1. You’re welcome. 🙂 I wasn’t sure how cold your winters got, so you can use the wrap loosely or bunch it up and use it as a scarf.

    I notice that your yarnbrarian friends are from three different countries. You get around! 🙂

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