Caught out at the library….


Last time our house was broken into, we were at home and the perps. broke a window with a big crash. Why they didn’t use the unlocked door next to it, we don’t know. Our neighbour remarked:

“If they had more brains, they’d probably be in a different business”.

Here’s further proof… Prison Escapee cought after checking MySpace.

Darren Bates had escaped from a Georgia county jail and was arrested in Philadelphia after checking his Myspace account. Bates accessed the page from a public computer at the main branch of the Philadelphia Free Library.

Authorities say Bates regularly checked into his account from the library and used his real name. Police aren’t saying exactly how Bates was caught, but most websites regularly track visitors by the IP address and those addresses can be traced back to a physical location.

Yep..just what every crim. who’s been deprived of the joys of society does…visits his public library.

What do you think? Let us know.